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big dipper

big dipper什么意思,big dipper翻译


n.: 北斗
网络: 北斗七星;北斗星;云霄飞车


  • (游乐场的)云霄飞车,过山车:

    a small train at an amusement park , which goes very quickly up and down a steep track and around bends

  • 北斗七星;大熊星座:

    a group of seven bright stars that can only be seen from the northern half of the world


  • 二苯胺

  • 北斗


  • "No. 1" big dipper ground control center of the system can be expanded to a new generation of navigation system ground control center.


  • Probably the best known constellation , the stars of Ursa Major make up the Great Bear and the Big Dipper .


  • In the night sky, most noticeable are the stars of Ursa Major and the asterism known as the Big Dipper.


  • First I picked the Pole Star, because it is the easiest for a child to find, once you know that the Big Dipper is about to catch it.


  • Begging for cleverness, the festival festive event, with competitions, similar to how the ancient custom of the Big Dipper.


  • Astronomical Institute, " saying: " After the spring equinox on the 15th, the Big Dipper that B, then the wind to the Ching Ming.


  • He called on everyone to help more people, also launched his Big Dipper empty voluntary charity to help disaster victims.


  • Now when you see the seven stars of the Big Dipper, won"t it remind you of this filial, kind, and brave little girl?


  • Thoughts with people all day it actually racking their brains to the Big Dipper, conduct calculations, but also calculating others.


  • North of the Big Dipper will change direction with the seasons, while the direction of life will not change with time.


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